YouTube vs TikTok: The war we are worried about... Should we? Skip to main content

YouTube vs TikTok: The war we are worried about... Should we?

YouTube vs TikTok

So we have come to an era where we are fighting for or against two different apps without much of a reason because some "social influencers" are taking on each other trying to prove why they are the best! 


YouTube and TikTok

YouTube and TikTok are one of the leading social media platforms where anyone can create videos, upload them on the applications and share it publicly.
YouTube was created in the year 2005 and pre-installed in all the Android devices while TikTok is relatively newer application created in the year 2012.YouTube has an estimated of 2 billion users worldwide, while TikTok has an estimated 800 million users.

Where this "war" of the two worlds started?

The world was suffering from Corona and was concentrated over it when a YouTuber Elvish Yadav suddenly thought of bringing some new idea for his content and roasted TikTok vidoes and stated them as cringe, he further added that that these videos are very easy to make since they don't really have any content and did not require any ideas to make them, mostly doing lip syncing. Few days later, the "representative" of TikTok community, Amir Siddiqui replied to his video stating that YouTubers don't have any idea how much they put up effort to bring their contents daily and . But the one that triggered the war was telling that if they enter YouTube, the current channels will have to "shut their shops". Thus began the fight for supremacy---TikTok vs YouTube.

The entry of Carryminati in battlefield

Although many YouTubers added more oil to the fire, the entry of the "Roasting King" of YouTube, Carryminati brought this this debate to its peak! As part of his roast, he brought up body shaming, bringing in the context of LGBT community, dancers and other such things. Now the supporters of both the community went "gaga" over this and started commenting hatred and abuse towards each other. The supporters of YouTube went to the extent of demanding for the ban on TikTok.

The role of YouTube in this battle

Responding to the videos that were being made on this topic wherein many of them were really abusive in nature and violated the Community Guidelines of the platform, YouTube started to put strikes on those videos, including the most circulated  video of Carryminati.

The entry of Google in this scenario
With the start of war with TikTok, YouTube supporters started giving "1 star" rating to TikTok so that eventually the average rating of the app falls down and people all over the world stops its use. Now, Google came into picture and started removing the "1 star" rating given to TikTok in order to prevent false rating given by the people just to malign TikTok's image without even using the app.

My take on this issue
First of all, I would urge people to not make this "India vs China" issue. This war has been started by some "Influencers" in these social media applications just to gain some more popularity by adding new content and making it viral. This will only add to their profit. We have so many real issues to fight over such as Corona, Unemployment post-Corona period and poverty. Let the Government decide if an app is really bad influence to the society and needs a ban.
Carryminati's video although was entertaining, but many abusive words he put was I feel are more bad influence to the society than the videos of TikTok; his way of delivering for LGBT community and poor background should have been avoided, considering the fact that he is been watched by millions of people.

Being from none of the community, I have put down what I felt. If some people want to gain popularity and money by performing any acts and put up a video, what is harm in it? TikTokers and YouTube community are mostly belonging from different background. TikTok does not require good camera and nice setup, you can just take up your mobile and shoot something. If they are cringe, let the audience decide what they want to see and what not to. If some poor people make some money out of it, what's the harm in that? If there are some violent videos in any platform, Government should definitely take serious action on the individual but putting blame on a particular platform is really not justified.

What's your take on the issue, please comment it out.


  1. Well explained. So, what's your suggestions on Fight over Corona and Unemployment?

    1. This situation has basically arised from the facts that companies have shutdown as well as people limiting their spending only on essentials.
      Different Governments have announced stimulus package to boost their economies. Hopefully once the vaccine is invented, things will start to be on track. Right now, the only thing we can do is to help the needy.


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