C# or Java: Which one is better to learn? Skip to main content

C# or Java: Which one is better to learn?

Programming languages

Many people who are eager to start their career in IT have been pondering over the question of which one to trust with to begin their journey of becoming a successful Software Developer.

Guess what??? I too was among the questioners!! So, have I found my answers yet?

The origin of Java

Java was originally developed at Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) and its founder was James Gosling in the year 1995. The idea was to create simple, object-oriented and robust language which can be used to execute high performance programs. Along with that, came the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) concept which was necessary to run Java programs on the machines. The JVM was later released as a free and open-source in the year 2006 which really popularized the platform.

The latest version of Java i.e., Java 14 was release recently in March 2020.

The origin of C#

C# (or C Sharp) was developed at Microsoft by Anders Hejlsberg and his development team as a part of .Net initiative around the year 2000. C# was also intended to be a simple, modern object oriented programming language which would be ideal to be hosted for both hosted and embedded systems. But due to the fact that most of C#’s features are similar to the Java, it was termed as just an “imitation” of the later.

The latest version of C# i.e., C# 8.0 was release recently in September 2019.

C# versus Java

Both being Object Oriented Programming languages, definitely share a lot of similarities in the syntax. Not to mention of the dissimilarities as well, both the languages have evolved and boasts as the top programming languages in the world with thousands of questions asked in different technical platforms across per day. Java has an edge over C# for the fact that it was introduced earlier and as open source attracted a lot of companies that time to use the language for their software solutions. On the other hand, .Net was a licensed product due to which only bigger companies were able to primarily use it for their product.

Due to the fact stated above, Java developers seem to outnumber C# developers in the present market, but along with that, the more the numbers more will be competition as well. The main target is to how well one can learn about the technology and grab more knowledge on it.

It remains to be seen how the announce of Java to be no longer available free form Java 8 onwards and Microsoft's announcement of .Net to be available as open source.

The introduction of open source technologies

Although C# and Java still trend to be the mostly used languages in the world market, the open source technologies have already started capturing the share of these two. Python is already giving a tough competition to the established languages and has emerged as the choice of language to develop modern problem solving solutions such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and data processing due to its rich set of libraries. Being under open source license, it is completely free for licensed use as well and due to its light weight, it’s faster and reliable.

JavaScript has also emerged a lot after its initial release, the introduction of Angular which is based on Typescript (superset of JavaScript), has completely changed the UI technology. Developers saw the potential of JavaScript as a solution which is faster than the other languages present in the market and thus NodeJs. This is a game changer in the software market which gives users the flexibility to choose whether to use it as frontend or as a backend. Because of its foundation based on JavaScript, its lot faster than the conventional languages and NodeJs seems to be a very innovative solution that was created in recent times.



I hope by know you have got the idea that the software industry is changing everyday, and there is no “superior” language. The technology that is trending today may become obsolete in the next 10 years. The thing that won’t that is the demand for those who easily can adapt to any new technology ecosystem. As the trend for the IT companies to hire Fullstack developers is increasing, they are looking someone with the most versatile set of skills and adaptability of new work for the hires.

So start with a technology but try to be as agile as possible to meet the demands of the current market and keep on increasing the skills to be updated with the trends. 

What's your take on the issue, please comment it out.


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